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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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Search Results
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A search for 'Attack The Block' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Attack The Block (2011)
    Steven Price, Felix Buxton (additional music), Simon Ratcliffe (additional music)

1 matches in composers
  1. Massive Attack

4657 matches in tracks
  1. Block / I Saw You / Block Grovels (03:28)
    from Trial, The
  2. Introduction To Block Party/Block Party Fanfare (00:30)
    from Mickey & Judy: The Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney Collection
  3. Introduction To Block Party/Block Party Fanfare (00:30)
    from Babes In Arms
  4. Introduction To Block Party/Block Party Fanfare (00:30)
    from Strike Up The Band
  5. Introduction To Block Party/Block Party Fanfare (00:30)
    from Babes On Broadway
  6. Introduction To Block Party/Block Party Fanfare (00:30)
    from Girl Crazy
  7. Block 41 (03:26)
    from Doomsday
  8. Block War+ (04:39)
    from Judge Dredd
  9. Block War (04:39)
    from Judge Dredd
  10. "D" Block (00:52)
    from Birdman Of Alcatraz
  11. Block War (04:39)
    from Judge Dredd
  12. The Block (03:07)
    from Attack The Block
  13. D Block (03:10)
    from Murder In The First
  14. D Block (03:10)
    from Murder In The First
  15. The Very First Kid on My Block (00:00)
    from Banana Splits Adventure Hour, The
  16. Ben Block (04:32)
    from Winchester
  17. Block (02:38)
    from Perché Si Uccidono
  18. Block War+ (03:05)
    from Judge Dredd
  19. The Road Block (01:33)
    from Shoot To Kill
  20. Block Desolation (04:24)
    from Halloween Returns To Haddonfield - The 25th Anniversary Convention
Show all 4657 matching tracks